Crisis Intervention Policies, Procedures, and Protocol

Emergencies are always considered the highest priority for clinical services. An emergency is any situation where there is an actual or potential threat to oneself or others. The Center for Emotional Wellness provides emergency crisis intervention to students.

Daytime phone: (502) 229-7735

After hours, please call campus police: (502) 597-6878

If you know someone in need of help, please fill out our

How to Determine if a Person Needs Crisis Intervention

When a person is demonstrating behavior which is perceived by the University faculty, staff, or others as potentially dangerous, threatening, unstable, unpredictable, or concerning, they likely are in need of crisis intervention.

If a student appears to be in considerable distress or reports being in a crisis, notify a counselor IMMEDIATELY. Signs that someone is experiencing crises include:

  • uncontrollable crying
  • confusion
  • disorientation
  • expression of hopelessness
  • expression of suicidal intent or thoughts

Other signs of distressing behavior may include, but are not limited to:

  • Inappropriate e-mail or telephone communications
  • Outbursts of anger or cursing
  • Verbal abuse
  • Threats of violence
  • Threats of self-harm
  • Physically stalking at work or home
  • Sexual advances without or without physical contact
  • Harassment of staff, other students or visitors
  • Violent or aggressive behavior, including physical assault of employees/ staff or students
  • Exhibiting bizarre/abnormal behavior
  • Refusing to submit to a voluntary mental evaluation
  • Attempted suicide or threatens suicide with a plan of action
  • Any other behavior/circumstance which places the patient and others around them at risk or harm

Emergencies During Normal Hours of Operation

  • Any person who believes that their or another person’s life is in imminent danger should Campus Police (502) 597-6878 and/or call 911.
  • Any student exhibiting erratic behaviors listed above should immediately be referred to The Center for Emotional Wellness for evaluation. Usually a counselor will be the first point of contact. It is the counselor’s job to assess the level of crisis and determine an appropriate course of action. The counselor will consult with the Dean of Students or the Vice-President for Student Engagement and Campus Life.
  • In some cases, an administrative assistant may receive the emergency call.  In such cases, the administrative assistance shall immediately notify the Counselor and the Clinic Director of the crisis.
  • In situations where the counselor or Clinic Director cannot respond quickly, contact Campus Police at (502) 597-6878 and/or 911.